The misandry myth: An inaccurate stereotype about feminists’ attitudes toward men
Aife Hopkins-Doyle, Aino Petterson, Stefan Leach, ... & Robbie Sutton
Psychology of Women Quarterly - 2023
Word embeddings reveal growing moral concern for people, animals and the environment
Stefan Leach, Andrew Kitchin, & Robbie Sutton
British Journal of Social Psychology - 2023
Non-speciesist language communicates moral commitments to animals and evokes do-gooder derogation
Stefan Leach & Kristof Dhont
Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations (PHAIR) - 2023
Are we smart enough to remember how smart animals are?
Stefan Leach, Robbie Sutton, Kristof Dhont, Karen Douglas, & Zara Bergstrom
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General - 2023
Changing minds about minds: Evidence that people are too sceptical about animal sentience
Stefan Leach, Robbie Sutton, Kristof Dhont, Karen Douglas, & Zara Bergstrom
Cognition - 2023
Speciesism in everyday language
Stefan Leach, Andrew Kitchin, Robbie Sutton, & Kristof Dhont
British Journal of Social Psychology - 2023
Unpalatable truths: Commitment to eating meat is associated with strategic ignorance of food animal minds
Stefan Leach, Jared Piazza, Steve Loughnan, Robbie Sutton, Ioanna Kapantai, Kristof Dhont, & Karen Douglas
Appetite - 2022
The ‘me’ in meat: Does affirming the self make eating animals seem more morally wrong?
Stefan Leach, Robbie Sutton, Karen Douglas, & Kristof Dhont
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - 2021
When is it wrong to eat animals? The relevance of different animal traits and behaviours
Stefan Leach, Robbie Sutton, Kristof Dhont, & Karen Douglas
European Journal of Social Psychology - 2021
Taking charge of one’s feelings: Power and affect regulation
Stefan Leach & Mario Weick
Personality and Individual Differences - 2020
When smiles (and frowns) speak words: Does power impact the correspondence between self‐reported affect and facial expressions?
Stefan Leach & Mario Weick
British Journal of Psychology - 2020
From grumpy to cheerful (and back): How power impacts mood in and across different contexts
Stefan Leach & Mario Weick
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - 2018
Can people judge the veracity of their intuitions?
Stefan Leach & Mario Weick
Social Psychological and Personality Science - 2018
Does social power beget personal power? Clarifying the relationship between social and personal power
Stefan Leach, Mario Weick, & Joris Lammers
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology - 2017